Test Space: Speak Up #1
About the Speakers
Corinne Kilvington
Corinne is the founder and Artistic Director of Theatre Space North East.
TSNE is built on the belief that theatre is for everyone and shouldn’t be trapped inside the walls of a venue. Corinne feels that it can, and should, happen anywhere there are people, whether that’s a park, a classroom, a pub or a church yard. This means most of her time is spent working with community groups to help them explore their world, skills, passions and interests, through drama, performance and even craft. She also serves as a trustee for several local charities all doing great things in Sunderland. She’s run radio stations, put theatre on in parks and help build giant kaleidoscope from bits of left over bridge materials. She also does work for national organisations like the RSC and the National Theatre and is currently a participant on the CLORE Social Leadership course
More about Theatre Space North East:
More about Corinne Kilvington:
Michaela Wetherell
Michaela Wetherell is a Sunderland-based curator and the founder of Pink-Collar Gallery CIC, an innovative art organisation dedicated to promoting underrepresented voices and using art as a platform for equality. The gallery stems from her passion for addressing female underrepresentation in the arts and exploring the importance of working-class identity. Pink-Collar Gallery’s mission is to challenge the barriers within the arts by creating opportunities for working-class artists, fostering creative growth, and amplifying marginalised perspectives. It provides workshops, mentoring sessions, talks from industry professionals, and supports emerging creatives of all ages as they develop their practice in the North East.
At Pink-Collar Gallery, art is for everyone. Through a robust exhibition programme, Michaela focuses on themes such as the underrepresentation of women in the arts and the rich narratives of working-class identity. By hosting exhibitions and facilitating community workshops in Sunderland, she aims to break down the misconception that art is exclusive and instead inspire people to engage with and enjoy creative expression. Initially launched online in response to the pandemic, Pink-Collar Gallery has grown into a dynamic platform. Since 2020, we have collaborated with over 155 artists, commissioned 20 new works, and tackled pressing issues like mental health, femicide, and social inequality.
More about Michaela Wetherell:
More about Pink-Collar Gallery:
Jo Howell
I’m Jo Howell. Light, time, and paper manipulator. I’ve been a professional photographic artist since I left Uni in 2009. I am a cyanotype specialist. I use photography and art to work with other humans in beautiful chaos. I work commercially to photograph 3D artworks like glass sculptures. I create short films, animations, books, and whatever takes my fancy at any given time! Since 2009, I have used alternative photographic process and printmaking techniques to create amazing participation projects for communities. I would probably say that this is one of my favourite methods of my practise because I can do it from home or in the yarden! I create original artwork all of the time. I make prints, photographic objects, films, installations, and so much more.
Jo spearheads the Save the National Glass Centre Campaign.
More about Save the National Glass Centre:
More about Jo Howell:
Read an interview between Jo and Leslie Tate: