Test Space: Speak Up #2 for Grassroots Arts Sunderland
At our second event exploring the issues surrounding the development of grassroots arts initiatives in Sunderland, we were joined by a wide range of creatives, artists, activists and organisers, as well as representatives from larger organisations and stake holders operating in the city.
We kicked off the event with a brief introduction by Sue Loughlin and feedback from our first session delivered by Corinne Kilvington, who guided us through the most pressing issues for grassroots arts in Sunderland at this present time.
Corinne was followed by Dr Susan Jones who delivered a superb framing of the wider context and the current ‘state of the arts’ within the national infrastructure highlighting the systemic problems which impact the lives of artists.
Next, we asked everyone to join a discussion group to explore the following statements:
Our cultural ecosystem is inclusive - what does this look like? Led by Chantal Herbert
Our cultural ecosystem has good communication - what does this look like? Led by Michael McKnight
Our cultural ecosystem is resilient - what does this look like? Led by Dan Russell
Our cultural ecosystem is democratic - what does this look like? Led by Dr Susan Jones
Each topic was discussed for 10mins and then the groups were asked to rotate in order that everyone had the ability to explore each question and hear from the conversation lead. At the end of the discussion we took feedback on the key points arising from each of the tables.
As well as the discussion groups, everyone was invited to explore our opinion polls from both institutional and individual perspectives and to comment on what they would like to see happen next with Test Space.
Finally, attendees were invited once again to ‘speak up’ and share their news, events and positive actions. We heard more from Su Devine about the Art Café and Art in the Park, Michaela Wetherell about forthcoming Pink Collar Gallery events, from Auburn Langley about the next Lit and Phil Society event, and some ongoing activities and Art Bank ideas for development at Diego’s Joint.
The next step is for Sue and Corinne to analyse all the gathered information ready to feedback the Test Space findings. This will happen via printed and digital formats which will be circulated to the attendees of the sessions and cultural organisations in Sunderland. Please check back here and via the Test Space Instagram for updates.
Wonderful illustrated notes were made by Miki Rogers to capture the key elements of the discussion.